OK, I should totally write a book about my sweet little K2! She is definitely the fun one in our house, as well as the most challenging! She is starting her career as a little con off early in life. Actually, I really don't think she intended for the outcome to happen today. I got a call around noon saying that K2 was sick and I needed to come and get her. They said that she said she didn't feel well and that she was running a low grade fever. I questioned it because she was perfectly fine this morning. When K3 and I arrived to pick her up, two older elementary girls nearly knocked us over as they were trying to squeeze through the office door with me. Come to find out, one of them had just thrown up all over themselves and the other was bringing her to the office. We get inside the office and they send this vomit covered girl (who just rubbed up against us) into the sick room, where K2 happened to be waiting. As I let the office know I'm there, K2 comes walking around the corner and I can tell by looking at her that she is perfectly fine! As we walked to the car, I asked her what was wrong. She said that she told her teacher she felt like she was going to throw up and they rushed her to the office and that was that. Remember a couple of weeks ago, she actually threw up in front of her class. Apparently, now her teacher is totally paranoid and any time K2 mentions throwing up, they are going to call me. I know she probably wasn't trying to con her teacher, but she did admit that she was just hungry. She hasn't felt feverish to me and honestly a lot of kids run 99 or so for no apparent reason. Anyways, needless to say, I was not too happy...mainly because now all 3 of us have been exposed to a real vomiting child.
This is the same child that nearly ended up in the ER this past Friday. We were at Target late in the evening and as we were walking in, I saw a penny in the parking lot. I told K2 to pick it up. About 2 minutes after we were in Target, I saw her with that nasty penny in her mouth. I told her if she did that again, I would take it away from her. I'm sure you can guess...about 2 minutes after that, she walked around the aisle where I was with a look of total panic and said, "I just swallowed my penny". After calling an urgent care nurse, we were all relieved to hear that it would more than likely pass through on its own. I've not seen it, but she has had no stomach issues, so I'm guessing it's long gone now. The funny thing is that after the incident, she blamed me and told me not to ever tell her to pick up a penny again!
In honor of my sweet little K2, here are some of my favorite pics of her through the years..most of them speak for themselves...ironically, people have always said that she has the most angelic look and I'd have to agree.

She was my only kid to take diapers off at nap...you never knew what you'd walk into after nap...(notice her diaper at the left)

Here she is suppose to be napping in her bed. She had got out of bed, put some black shoes on, put some hairbands around her neck and piled up some blankets and lap pads to lay on...

Move over Richard Simmons...

The patented look of mischief...

She may be a mess, but she's our mess and we wouldn't trade her for the world! WE LOVE YOU, K2!!! You fill our lives with such joy and happiness and bring more laughter and sunshine to our lives than we could ever have imagined!!!
This is the same child that nearly ended up in the ER this past Friday. We were at Target late in the evening and as we were walking in, I saw a penny in the parking lot. I told K2 to pick it up. About 2 minutes after we were in Target, I saw her with that nasty penny in her mouth. I told her if she did that again, I would take it away from her. I'm sure you can guess...about 2 minutes after that, she walked around the aisle where I was with a look of total panic and said, "I just swallowed my penny". After calling an urgent care nurse, we were all relieved to hear that it would more than likely pass through on its own. I've not seen it, but she has had no stomach issues, so I'm guessing it's long gone now. The funny thing is that after the incident, she blamed me and told me not to ever tell her to pick up a penny again!
In honor of my sweet little K2, here are some of my favorite pics of her through the years..most of them speak for themselves...ironically, people have always said that she has the most angelic look and I'd have to agree.

She was my only kid to take diapers off at nap...you never knew what you'd walk into after nap...(notice her diaper at the left)

Here she is suppose to be napping in her bed. She had got out of bed, put some black shoes on, put some hairbands around her neck and piled up some blankets and lap pads to lay on...

Move over Richard Simmons...
The patented look of mischief...

She may be a mess, but she's our mess and we wouldn't trade her for the world! WE LOVE YOU, K2!!! You fill our lives with such joy and happiness and bring more laughter and sunshine to our lives than we could ever have imagined!!!