Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sweet Girls...

I have to tell you what the girls did for Bryan this morning...

Yesterday, K1 and K2 made Daddy birthday cards while K3 napped. This morning Bryan and I were lying in bed when K2 came in the room and secretly asked me where I had put the card she made him. I had it hidden in my bedside table, so I handed it to her and she ran out the room. I heard some clanking downstairs and I had an idea what they were up to. Next thing I knew K1 and K2 came through our bedroom door bringing Daddy breakfast in bed. They couldn't find the tray, so they used a small tote lid and turned it upside down. They brought him a bowl of Raisin Bran with milk and spoon, a cup of water and a napkin that they had folded in a fancy manner. And, Kamryn added her special touch and proudly announced that she brought him a magazine to read while he ate his breakfast. It was a JCPenney flyer we had received in the mail. It cracked us up!!! We were both so touched by their thoughtfulness...I had absolutely nothing to do with it! And, the added bonus was that they waited until 8:30 to bring it to him. K1 then went and got K3 out of bed and they all jumped in for some special cuddle time, after Bryan ate his breakfast and read his magazine of course!!!

I posted twice today, so don't forget to read the post below...

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