I was standing in my kitchen this morning checking my emails when K3 said, "Hey, Mommy, what's that?". I walked over to look out the back door where she was standing and was totally shocked to see a deer staring right back at me. Talk about a weird feeling!!! At first, I was really excited and grabbed the camera to start taking some pics. Then, I started getting really nervous, as the deer seemed to be zoned in on me. Thus, the crazy last picture...by that point, I was getting kinda nervous and rushed the close-up. Coincidentally, a couple of nights ago we saw a video on Animal Planet of a deer getting disoriented in the city and walking right into peoples' houses through their glass back doors. So, with that in mind I asked K3 to step away from the door and come stand with me. We continued our observations from the kitchen window over my sink. Once it realized that I was no longer there, it just slowly turned around and went back into the woods. Quite an exciting morning for us! That's not something you see everyday! So, Daddy, what is it? A doe or a young buck? I showed the older girls the pics after school and they were super excited! I told them that Paw-Paw suggested putting out some deer corn to see if others will come back and they jumped all over that idea, so we'll see! Maybe by spring time when you guys visit, I'll have a whole herd of them and Daddy, you can be the brave one who walks out there and lets them nibble out of your hands...your little girl is too chicken!