Well, the minority vote won! We are having another precious baby girl! Life is going to get real interesting around here in about 8 or 9 years. There will be a lot of hormones and very little bathroom space! Fortunately, we are already set for a baby girl around here. Their bathroom is extremely "girly" and every bedroom is painted "girly", so we won't have to make any changes. Bryan and I have actually had mixed feelings lately about what we wanted. Of course we'd like to experience the son relationship and all that goes with a little boy, but there is just something special about a baby girl. Just when I thought I was sold on wanting a boy, I went in K3's room the other night to tuck her in and she just melted me, as she always does. Those of you who know K3 know exactly what I'm talking about. She's going to be a tough act to follow. In fact, the saddest thing for me about not having a little boy, is that K3 fits the baby girl role so well that I'm a little sad about her having to pass that role down. We are excited and the girls all wanted another girl, so everyone's happy. Here she is and she is doing wonderful!
It's a Girl!!!

I just had to post this picture again, because it speaks volumes in our house!
I enjoyed the last poll so much that I've posted another poll on the right-hand side. Feel free to make your guess...

I just had to post this picture again, because it speaks volumes in our house!

Who would have thought you would have 4 girls! We are so happy for you!
I have to say I voted girl, mostly because I would feel bad for a little boy with 3 older sisters! Ha ha:) God knew EXACTLY what you guys needed, so I'm sure K4? will also melt your heart just like the other three:) Congratulations!!!!!
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