Friday, February 20, 2009

IT'S A...


1st picture at about 8 weeks or so...

2nd picture at about 11 1/2 weeks...

I've gotten really behind on blogging lately, so I decided it was about time that I told you why. I've either been puking or too tired to mess with it. We found out on Christmas morning that we were pregnant! I am now about 13 weeks along. The due date is August 30th...right between K2 and K3's birthdays. Not exactly planned! :) We were sitting on the fence about having a 4th and God decided to make the decision for us, so we can't argue with that! We're slowly coming out of shock and getting excited. The girls actually took the news really well and didn't seem too surprised. I think having 4 kids will be great...I just wish I could skip the next 6 months and bring home the baby!

I have missed posting another snow day and some other fun stuff, so I'll try getting those up before too much longer! Hope everyone is well!


Sammi said...

Congratulations!! I have been stalking your blog and was about to email you to say PLEASE UPDATE YOUR BLOG!!! Now it all makes sense. We are so happy for you guys!

Angi said...

Praise God for even numbers! What great news! I'm so excited for you guys!!!!

Kristen, pajama mama said...

congrats!!!! anything different yet about this go-round? are you leaning towards thinking it's a boy or girl?

tdenney said...

Oh my goodness!! That's awesome news. I'm going to put my vote in as a boy even though odds are against me. We're so happy for you and your growing family!! :)

Aimee said...

Wow!!! Congrats you guys!!!!

rastellifamily said...

We are so excited for you guys!! And it looks from the sonogram pics that there IS just ONE in there, right?! Thanks for sharing this beautiful news!