Our phone rang at 5:30 a.m. with a public school announcement that school had been canceled. I looked out the window to find the ground completely covered with snow. We turned the alarm off and went back to bed. K2 was the first one in our room this morning and was completely ecstatic about the snow she had seen out her window. K3 has never played in snow and K2 hasn't since she was a baby, so she really has no recollection of it either. It's been years since K1 has seen it. Needless to say, they were all very excited and K3 spent much of the morning just staring out our back door at all the snow. Since we don't see snow much in Texas, we are not prepared with all the gear. I did the best I could to bundle them all up and we made the most of it. K3 had a pair of wind pants, but K1 and K2 did not. So, if you'll notice in the pics, they are both wearing my wind pants over their own clothes. Hey, it worked and helped them stay dry. I really wish they had some snow boots, though, because their tennis shoes and multiple layers of socks didn't hold up quite as well.
Watch out K3...K2's sneaking up behind you with a snowball...

This is the first thing K2 did when she got outside...she has always dreamed of making a snow angel! She must have made 100 today!

K1 thinking about building a snowman, but we never could get the snow to pack well enough.

Livin' it up in the backyard!

This is my favorite pic of the day...I took it in front of the tree line behind our house.

I hope we get another one of these days before winter is over, but it's probably not too likely. We do get a two hour delay for school in the morning...I'll take that!
Ok, we had a little ice on the roads and the kids stayed home today. Miss you guys! I tagged you on my blog, come see!
Stop by my blog, soon-I've got a valentine for you! Miss you!
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