I didn't have much time to blog before, but now I know that I had way more free time than I realized. It's funny how crazy you might think your life is, and then you add another child and realize just how easy it was! :) It's happened to me every time we've added a child. Everyone has told me that once you've had 3 children, adding more is no different. I tend to disagree. I think it has been harder because we had finally moved out of "baby season" and had everyone potty trained and fairly self-sufficient. It's like we've hit "re-set" and started over with our first child. I have also learned that my first 3 children were nearly perfect babies, so I'm getting a taste of what it is like to have a more high maintenance one. I guess I should have been more specific when I prayed that God would give me more patience...he's teaching me the hard way! :) Love her to death, but she has not been easy thus far. We're trying to figure out if she has reflux, a milk allergy or both. Please pray that we can figure this out sooner vs. later! I have tried to cut out milk, but it is much harder than I realized. EVERYTHING has some quantity/type of milk in it. Needless to say, I'm having no problem dropping the weight off. I'm now below my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm really missing the fat calories...especially the chocolate!!! I've also been blessed with babies that sleep through the night between 6 and 8 weeks. I'm not seeing that happen with K4 for quite a while. In fact, just to survive, we've caved and put her in the bed with us. I never thought I'd say those words, but hey, it is the 4th child! I think the fact that we have to get 2 children to school in the morning has also made things harder. It was different when you had a sleepless night and didn't have to be anywhere the next morning. We complicated things even more by sending them to 2 different schools. We are adjusting, however, and this crazy and chaotic season of life has now become our new normal! We wouldn't trade it for the world...well I might trade it for a few hours of sleep (for those of you who know me really well, know that sleep is my first love). :) Despite the possible milk allergy/reflux, K4 is growing like a weed. As Bryan has always said, I have uber milk and it quickly grows our girls into rolie polies. K4 is right on the verge of smiling and I can't wait for that! She really is a sweetheart and has really charmed her way into all of our hearts! She has all 3 of her big sisters' wrapped around her little finger, which is part of the reason she has become so high maintenance. No one in this household ever lets her cry! :) She is the perfect addition to our family and we couldn't be happier! Unless God has other plans, we are closed for business...that is the baby business, anyway. This works out well for me and my obsession with even numbers and patterns (darn my OCD tendencies)!. Just a little weird tidbit about me...I've always had this pattern in my head of needing to even things out...ABBA. Stay with me here...coincidentally, K1 was born in Charlotte, NC, K2 and K3 were born in Plano, TX and K4 was born in Charlotte, NC. I've noticed other strange tidbits with the girls that fit this same pattern, but I'll spare you those little known facts, so you won't have me committed! :) Cut me some slack...I am going on about 3-4 hours of sleep a night and am surrounded by lots of chatty little girls.
So, here are some photos that I'm way behind on posting...
These first ones are of the flowers in my front flowerbed that my dad planted for me when he was here in April...they are beautiful! Thank you, Daddy, for the beautiful reminder of you that I get to look at and enjoy everyday!

And, yes, K3 dressed herself for these pics. One of the hardest things for me is letting them have their "own style".

When my dad planted these this past April, they were tiny. We have been super amazed at how much they have bloomed and grown into a mound.

These are from K1's first day of school. I got K2's posted, but realized I never posted any of K1...

I guess you figured out that she is into the "peace" thing now. I get that in every stinkin' picture now...where has my little girl gone??? It's also strange hearing the word "dude" come out of her mouth all the time. Did I really ever talk like that??

Here are a few more pics of our "little sweetie" (K4)...

You know you want to eat her up...so sweet! :)

And, last, but certainly not least, here is our little "Mudcat" (K2)...

Love this kid!! She has fun, no matter what she is doing...I love that about her! Notice her 2 cheerleaders in the background of this last picture...they're really watching her! Too cute! I am blessed with 4 of God's most awesome creations...Thank you, God, for the privilege to have these 4 precious girls call me "Mommy"!
So, here are some photos that I'm way behind on posting...
These first ones are of the flowers in my front flowerbed that my dad planted for me when he was here in April...they are beautiful! Thank you, Daddy, for the beautiful reminder of you that I get to look at and enjoy everyday!

And, yes, K3 dressed herself for these pics. One of the hardest things for me is letting them have their "own style".

When my dad planted these this past April, they were tiny. We have been super amazed at how much they have bloomed and grown into a mound.

These are from K1's first day of school. I got K2's posted, but realized I never posted any of K1...

I guess you figured out that she is into the "peace" thing now. I get that in every stinkin' picture now...where has my little girl gone??? It's also strange hearing the word "dude" come out of her mouth all the time. Did I really ever talk like that??

Here are a few more pics of our "little sweetie" (K4)...

You know you want to eat her up...so sweet! :)

And, last, but certainly not least, here is our little "Mudcat" (K2)...

Love this kid!! She has fun, no matter what she is doing...I love that about her! Notice her 2 cheerleaders in the background of this last picture...they're really watching her! Too cute! I am blessed with 4 of God's most awesome creations...Thank you, God, for the privilege to have these 4 precious girls call me "Mommy"!