Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Our Lil Soccer Girl...

We have begun a new season of life...the season of extra-curricular activities. K2 has just started her first year of soccer. She has had a couple of practices and one soccer game. So far, she really likes it and asks everyday if she has soccer practice that day. I think the highlight so far for her, has been getting oreos and a capri-sun after her first game. She thought that was great and is REALLY looking forward to getting a trophy at the end of the season. She actually scored a goal in the first game and had a great block to prevent the other team from scoring. It's been a lot of fun and we are looking forward to her next game this Saturday! The first few pics are before practices and the ones in the purple jersey are from her game. I was so into the game that I didn't take too many pictures. I'll try to do better and hopefully we can get a little video up here soon! Enjoy!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy 60th Birthday, Momma/Grandmama!!!

We hope you've had a GREAT day today and that you have a fun weekend! Wish so much that we were there with you to celebrate! Hopefully next month we can celebrate together! Thanks for always being there for us and for being the best mom/grandmama ever! You are loved and appreciated more than you will ever know!

We love you!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

These are some pictures I took 3 years ago today...what a difference 3 years will make!

I didn't get around to getting any cute St. Patrick's Day shirts this year...maybe next year, when I'll be shopping for 4! :)

Hope you all have a happy St. Patrick's Day!